Vietnam: 2

Very warm and muggy here this morning. Yesterday rained heavy on and off, but today the thick clouds seemed to have moved on. Sitting out on my balcony with my tea and I can see surfers riding some pretty big waves in the near distance. I think it will be a good day to walk a bit of the gorgeous beach!

Muggy day in Da Nang, Vietnam. View from the balcony to the ocean. Suniela Beach travel blog.

 A very beautiful little flower has just blossomed on one of my son's and daughter-in-law's plants on their deck. We don't know what the plant is called, but sure is a sweet little flower! Almost like a tiny Vietnamese lantern hanging in the branches! 😊😍 Da Nang, Vietnam 

Red and yellow flower in Vietnam

Red and yellow flower hanging like a lampshade from a long green stem


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