Vacation coming up? Don't forget Suniela shade!
High performance outdoor gear
Designed for Adventure Travelers
From cotton shade cabanas to bamboo hand fans - our materials are thoughtfully sourced & made to last for years of fun in the sun! Designed for big adventures off-the-beaten-path.
We're outdoor enthusiasts & adventure travelers, designing products that we want to use. While Canada is home, we travel the world testing our gear in real conditions to ensure quality & durability.

Cotton Shade Canopies
Shelter yourself from the sun & look great doing it, with our artist-designed prints & signature gold aluminum poles.
Our stylish 100% Cotton canopies offer top-tier UPF 50+ sun protection without the use of chemical treatments! Plus - cotton keeps you cooler than synthetics.
Suniela shade is the most sustainable & natural choice for sun protection! Beat the heat with the coolest sun shelter around.
Customer Reviews
Don't risk a sunburn or heat stroke
Explore secluded beaches & new coastlines while relaxing in your own cool space.
From our innovative sun shelters to packable chairs & beach mats - create your perfect outdoor home-base with Suniela!

