Mexico 2019

State of Guerrero, from Acapulco to Zihuatanejo
We decided to leave Acapulco for Zihuatanejo despite the hard and long bus ride the day before. We called our parents early morning, went for breakfast and took a taxi...

State of Oaxaca. Zipolite
Zipolite, first impression : We arrive at our hotel Posada Brisa Marina, around 5 pm after a 7 hour trip in a van that had everything of a rodeo. The baby...

State of Oaxaca, Pueblos Mancomunados, last day hiking
San Miguel Amatlán and back to Oaxaca city. This is our last day and last hike. We had a good night's sleep and the temperature in the cabin is quite...

State of Oaxaca, Pueblos Mancomunados, Santa Martha Latuvi, Lachatao and San Miguel Amatlán
Day 4: San Martha Latuvi. As usual we get up at 6:45 and go to breakfast at 8 o'clock. The restaurant is a few meters from our cabin, it's convenient...

State of Oaxaca, Pueblos Mancomunados, Benito Juarez to La Neveria
Day 3: Benito Juarez and La Neveria. After another icy night in Benito Juarez, a village of more than 500 people, we went for breakfast: steak and tortillas in a...

State of Oaxaca, Pueblos Mancomunados, San Antonio Cuajimoloyas
Day 2: San Antonio Cuajimoloyas and Benito Juarez. We left San Isidro Llena Grande early in the morning at 9am with our guide Pedro for San Antonio Cuajimoloyas. It was...